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Wednesday 28 August 2019

Improve Your Lifestyle and Diet by Consulting Naturopath for PCOS

Unhealthy lifestyle leads to many physiological problems that could be overt and covert. PCOS is very common disease that many females are suffering from. As per the research or studies one in four women suffers from PCOS throughout their reproductive years. The polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in which fifteen or more small follicles form on a woman’s ovary in a two to nine millimeter long pearl necklace like pattern as proposed to the expected two to five follicles.

Many Clinics treat patients of ovarian syndrome by treatment of naturopathy. The naturopathy clinics have qualified and experienced naturopath for pcos. PCOS can cause fertility issues for sufferers of the condition, as ovaries with an excessive number of follicles typically do not grow to maturity nor they are capable of producing eggs that are able to fertilize in some women. Symptoms of PCOS are as follows:
  • Some females become unable to menstruate and are unable to do so for many years.
  • Anxiety, stress and low moods
  • Excessive hair growth and acne
  • Hair loss from the scalp
  • Imbalance of sugar proportion and insulin resistance
The exact cause of polycystic ovarian syndrome is not known, however genetic and lifestyle factors are theoretically believed to be major contributing factor. A PCOS specialist will prescribe many herbs to assist with amenorrhea and other symptoms. Naturopaths or herbalists suggest or encourage patients low carbohydrate, low sugar diet with glycaemic foods that help to regulate insulin levels. Diet and lifestyle plays significant role in preventing and managing PCOS.

People suffer from neck pain due to bad posture, tension, joint pain, awkward sleeping position and natural ageing. Many clinics help people to get free from pain by ensuring that neck is in prime condition by Acupuncture treatment for neck. One should immediately contact such clinics for treating neck pain effectively.